
Ancestry Specialist provides a service of genealogical research.  We typically chart family tree genealogy and provide our clients with a custom portfolio of your family tree.

We have found that often people set-out to research their family tree only to soon discover they don't have the time or adequate resources needed to completely satisfy their original goals. The free Internet research mechanisms are a wonderful tool but often fall short of providing the substantial information needed to complete genealogy projects.

We at Ancestry Specialist are fortunate to have an exceptional resource available to us because of our location.  As you may have already noted we have direct access to the largest family history library in the world.  Our researchers have direct access to this abundant source of literately millions of records.

The genealogy reports we generate for our clients include the actual source numbers of the book or microfiche tape from the data source it was obtained from.  This is a great benefit to you because  those source codes will allow you or any family member to easily track and verify the information many years or generations later.  We also provide copies of all records obtained as an added benefit you.  For example if we obtain the birth records of your ancestor born in Italy in the 1800's those records can be found on microfiche tape which are snapshots of the original hand recorded birth records, recorded in a book from the village or commune of your ancestors birth place. We record all the birth information on your chart, as well as provide you with a hard copy of the hand written birth entry in the record book so that you can see the entry for yourself as part of the excitement of uncovering the lineage data.

It can be difficult acquiring marriage license, birth, or death certificates records online which is frustrating. Our researchers usually can locate this type of information rather easily.

Often your genealogy chart will trace back to your ancestors migration records to the United States by way of ship from Europe and other countries.  We provide you with all the details of the migration history of your ancestors down to the name of the ship.  Your chart may include copies of draft cards for the males ancestors in your family.  And census records can be provided in your portfolio which contain a wealth of information about your ancestors living arrangements and locations of residency.

Upon consultation we work together with you to establish your project goals.  We offer simple family tree genealogy profiles, to more extensive genealogy research. Thank you and we hope we've answered your questions, if not please use the contact form below to receive additional information.

To request our services please begin by filling out the contact form on the Contact Us page, thank you!